Boda boda Tours

Boda boda Tours

Boda boda Tours,  The boda-boda ride is truly the best way to explore Kampala. Nothing beats the adrenalin raising ride. The feeling of fresh wind coupled with the warm sun brazing your skin hair blowing through the wind. With smells of the street Rolex searing on the hot pan and the sound of cars revving when the lights turn green.

There is no windowpane between you and your vision apart from the never-ending beautiful views of the city, colorful people walking the streets and the honking of taxis making suggestive noises to potential customers.

Navigate through what might seem as never-ending traffic with a clear destination in mind but with endless routes to get there leaning into swerves and corners, rush through traffic lights and nearly braze a car or two the closest you might get to living in the moment kind of feel a sensation of freedom is not dissimilar.