

Equipment, The first time is the charm. Hence you would want to get your first safari get away right. How amazing it would be to relax and enjoy the stunning panoramic views in the pearl of Africa, without the worry that you could possibly miss out on something incredible just because you forgot to pack a camera! As you plan your trip with us this important to take note of. These include those items that you do not want to forget in fact, you might probably not leave your doorstep.

  • Passport and photocopies including the necessary visas for your African safari destination.
  • Some cash, bank cards. It is important to inform your bank about your travel to avoid limitation of accessing your money when you need it.
  • Air tickets or travel vouchers for safari tours previously booked
  • A negative covid-1 PCR test result as per required by your safari destination or airline. For the latest covid-19 travel updates visit Early Trails Expedition travel guidelines.
  • Certificates of vaccination (yellow fever) where required
  • Visa card, master card, credit card
  • Medication for example malaria prophylactics and any other personal medication or prescription that might not be readily available
  • insurance policy details.
  • Phone for when you need to stay in touch with family members back home. A hard copy of your most valued contact information in case your phone is stolen
  • Lastly but not least a copy of all your important documents that may be vital for your stay in Africa.

Note: Pack your original important documents separately from the photocopies, a common don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Always keep the documents on you.

Important items to pack

Sing “hakuna matata” all the way to you Uganda for an amazing safari without having to worry you have forgotten something important. Here is a list of things you must remember;

  • For sun protection (sun cream, sun glasses, sun hat or cap)
  • Insect repellants. It can be a lotion or body mist which should preferably eco-friendly.
  • Head torch for getting around easily especially around the camp or during the exciting night game drives. You wouldn’t want to step on any wild animal’s toes. Plus, your hands are left free to do other things.
  • A backpack for the day excursions and a money belt not easily spotted during city trips.
  • Face masks and hand sanitizer essential mostly because we are in the midst of a pandemic.
  • Toilet bag, containing toothpaste, tampons, soap, toothbrush and razor. You can also pack your own toiletries although they are provided by all accommodation facilities
  • Items to support the local communities. It is not a must although it would be nice to help out with books, pencils and t-shirts.

What to wear

Being comfortable is key especially if you plan to engage in all the safari itineraries you set out to do. Uganda is not entirely sun blazing, the mornings and evenings can get chilly most especially in the parks.

Note: Uganda has a tropical climate with temperatures ranging from 25 degrees Celsius to 29 degrees Celsius, mountainous areas are cooler and there some safari destinations that are always hot despite the season.  Equipment, It is important to check the weather in the month you intend to travel and pack appropriately.

You are recommended to pack light clothes, comfortable, functional and neutral colors that blend in.

  • Long sleeved shirt and t-shirt mostly the for the cool mornings, sunny days and cool evenings.
  • Closed hiking boots for walking in the jungle and nature walks (water proof is more preferable)
  • Open shoes for when you are just lazing around the camp or beach
  • Long pants and shorts
  • A water proof jacket

Note; Brown, Khaki, olive green colors are preferable. Bright colors scare animals, blue and black attracts mosquitoes and tsetse flies.


  • You wouldn’t want to share the priceless moments because you forgot to carry your own.
  • Long range digital camera in a size with extra memory
  • Charging devices, batteries and device power banks
  • Earplugs for when you want a calm sleep without the chirping sound of crickets in the jungle.


Start to plan your Uganda Safari excursion with Early Trails Expedition from bookings, visas, lodging, transportation. Equipment, you have to do is to imagine your dream Uganda safari and will help you create it to the best of our abilities.


We offer unique travel experiences that combine the thrill of adventure with a deep appreciation for nature. Our company’s name reflects how we turn our clients’ interests into exciting expeditions through historical trails and destinations.

Ready To Plan A Trip?

Do not hesitage to give us a call. We are an expert team and we are happy to talk to you.

+256 781 611986