Rwanda Genocide Memorial Museums

Rwanda Genocide Memorial Museums, It’s been about a decade since terror reigned in the beautiful highland country of Rwanda. It’s making wasn’t sincere; many of the citizens mainly lost their lives regardless. The year 1994 wasn’t of safe records in Rwanda as the branded massacre surfaced on the land. Thousands lost their lives during the genocide moments; silent tears could feel buckets. According to the narration, everyone was a traitor, and it was just a moment for no one to trust.

The Rwanda genocide was bloody; this was uncalled for systematic tribal-based violence. Between the Tutsis, the victims, and the Hutus, the perpetrators. The genocide stories indicate that about 250,000 people were murdered.

Today, in agreement, Rwandans have embraced peace and reconciliation. And have become so committed against the possibility of genocide.

History of the Rwanda Genocide

The arrogance for ethnic superiority was a mastermind idea behind the cause of the Rwanda genocide. So, the joint forces of the Hutus, who largely hunted down and massacred the Tutsis, as well as the Hutus, who sympathized with the Tutsi, even children of 10 years, women. And all ordinary Hutus willingly were teeming in blind hatred of mob mentality towards the Tutsis.

Colonel Theoneste Bagosra, who was the chief of defense. Architected the 1994 Rwanda genocide. The colonel was in charge of training the Interahamwe militia for about a year. In a calculative manner, Bagosora’s militia first killed Hutu Prime Minister Agatha Uwilinguyimana, who was moderate. They also killed 10 Belgian UN peacekeepers, which prompted Belgium to withdraw their troops. Which smoothed the beginning of genocide.

Then the Rwandan army and Interahamwe teamed up all over the country, looting, killing, and drawing road blocks to prevent all Tutsis from escaping. All international bodies fled Rwanda’s aspect of its destiny. The Rwandan army and Interahamwe went beyond DR Congo and Burundi, killing all victims. The victims were left with no escape opportunity. Even those who took refuge in church were betrayed by priests who noticed the killer. It was also the same case with refugee camps. Where over 2 million people were butchered.

In July, after the Rwandan army’s RPF took control, UNAMIRA was reinforced and given additional mandates, but it was too late. Then a legal commission was set up in Arusha, Tanzania. To try those accused of being involved in the massacre. But the chief principles had fled from Rwanda and taken refuge in other countries that refused to hand them over. Among them were colonel Theoneste Bagosora, who was protected in Kenya by President Moi, and Ferdinand Nahimana, the director of the notorious Radio Television des Mille Collins, Which encouraged the Hutus to butcher the Tutsis, who was protected in Cameroon. But currently, Ferdinand Nahimana has been arrested and is facing charges for spearheading the genocide.

Rwanda Genocide Memorial Museums

There are six genocide memorials in Rwanda with wondering proofs in memory of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and the people who lost their lives. The memorial sites include the Gisozi Memorial Site, the Murambi Memorial Centre, the Bisesero Genocide Memorial Centre, the Ntarama Genocide Memorial Centre, and others at Nyamata and Nyarubuye.

Kigali Genocide Memorial

This stunning tomb was constructed in the memory of an estimated number of about 250,000 people who are buried in a single mass grave. The museum further explains much of how the world experienced the unfolding naked and unfilmed bloodshed of the 1994 genocide. No rush if you decide to dedicate a time; this memorial site serves to educate about how the Genocide against the Tutsi took shape and examines genocide in the 20th century.

Kigali genocide memorial is situated in Gesozi, northern of the capital Kigali (about 20 minutes’ drive) off the capital. At the cost of USD 15, experience an informative audio tour alongside the divisive colonial background in Rwanda. The wall of names is dedicated to those who died and is a work still in progress. Many of the victims’ names have yet to be gathered and documented, but many of the victims buried in the massive graves are unknown.

Nyanza Genocide Memorial

It’s a small center that is located in Kicukiro, a suburb southeast of the city center, towards Kigali International Airport. The site only displays a simple tiled top of four mass graves where over 4000 butchered Tutsis are buried who had taken refuge in the Ecole Technique Officielle.

Camp Kigali Memorial

There are ten stone columns that mark the spots where the 10 Belgian peacekeepers were killed as the genocide sparked off. They were arrested at the home of moderate Prime Minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana, whom they were deployed to protect. This was done by the presidential guards, who disarmed these peacekeepers and brought them here before they were killed.

Eglise St. Pierre

The chaotic hundred days of craziness in Rwanda still extend to Kibuye, southern Rwanda. The St. Pierre church is fabulous, cool, and holds strong evidence for the 1994 violence. The church’s interior is adorned with beautiful mosaics and vivid stained-glass windows; the outside, made of small bricks, annex displays the skulls and bones of some of the 11,000 people who were killed here.

Biserero Genocide Memorial

Biserero village is on the outskirts of Kibuye, about 30km away. It’s another incredible genocide memorial center for the past two decades after the madness. Here were over 50,000 brave Tutsis who fled with hope of evading their aggressors, the Interahamwe. For about a month, this group managed to defend itself from the murderers using mere farming tools. However, on May 3, Hutus added more reinforcement to the militia group, which butchered more than half of the refugees, and before the French army intervened in June, Tutsis were fewer than 1300.


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