Samuka Island Retreat seated on a motorized boat, you cruise from Jinja to this amazing honeymooner’s paradise. It’s a paradise to exhaust your love promises to your loved ones. The peaceful spot, isolated from town pollution and crowds, offers a peaceful place to relax. If you plan to stay on the island, expect the accompaniment of sweaty bird melodies.
Samuka Island is about 1 and a half hours cruise from the source of the Nile. At the Victoria Shores is this romantic paradise, which is seated on 15 acres of land, and it’s a wholly resort. The Samuka Island resort works perfectly for a day vacation and is a great spot for retreating while in Jinja.
The island is a gateway for a romantic boat cruise, taking you to calm serenity and tranquility, dotted with cottages. A sanctuary for about 50 bird species that sing out melodies for guests. It offers perfect accommodation in Jinja for both business and leisure travelers. This beautiful resort hotel in Jinja also offers bed and breakfast options for travelers intending to spend one or two nights. Samuka Island Retreat is the perfect get-away for honeymoon couples seeking a relaxing, peaceful, and yet beautiful destination within Uganda. Speed boats to Samuka Island via the source of the Nile are available at the Rumours bar located at the source of the Nile.
Accessing the Samuka Island Retreat
To get to the island from Kampala, you have to cross the Owen Falls Dam and turn right at the first traffic circle. Pass under the Jinja-Kampala railway line and continue on for some 2 kilometers to join Main St. Jinja. Turn right onto Main St. and continue turning right again onto West Bell St. Proceeding to the traffic circle identified by a Hindu temple on the left side, take the second exit (straight). After a few hundred meters, make a left turn, indicating the source of the Nile. Rumours Pub is located behind the main parking area.
Honeymoon Package
Samuka Island Retreat is an ideal destination for any honeymooner seeking a romantic getaway. The packages include accommodation for four nights in a decorated cottage, meals including breakfast, lunch, and dinner, a visit to the source of the Nile, use of the swimming pool, a visit to the source of the Nile, and a return boat transfer from Jinja to the island.
An experience on Samuka Island can be an introduction to the rest of your journey to Jinja and eastern Uganda. It’s an addition to the rest of the renowned tourist experiences in Jinja, including massive Nile rafting, bungee jumping, wateralls visiting, boat cruises and kayaking, back horse riding, and Mabira forest retreats.
Boat experiences
Alongside the calm and cool nights, there are boat cruising experiences to encounter when staying at Samuka. The experience depends on how long you are willing to spend on the water. The first experience runs for a two- or two-hour trip from Rumours to Samuka Island and back: US$35 per person, min. 5 people, including 1 free drink.
The second, 1-hour trip from Rumours to Samuka Island and back costs US$25 per person, with a minimum of 5 people to include 1 free drink.
1/2-hour and 1-hour boat trip excursions are also organized on request.