10 Days Rwanda Wildlife & Uganda Gorilla tours

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This 10 Days Rwanda Wildlife & Uganda Gorilla combine trip of Rwanda and Uganda is one of the special amazing safaris in the East African continent. Wild do the wildlife adventures, and chimpanzee tracking and cross in Uganda for gorillas, golden monkeys and Batwa. Then return to Rwanda and visit the Dian Fossey graves and hike the Karisibi trail and then return to Kigali. Parks to visit on this trip will include Nyungwe Forest National Park, Akagera National Park, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

Trip Summary for your 10 Days Rwanda Wildlife & Uganda Gorilla tours

  • Day 1: Arrive in Kigali
  • Day 2: Transfer to Nyungwe Forest National Park
  • Day 3: Track Chimpanzees and Canopy walks
  • Day 4: Transfer to Akagera National Park
  • Day 5: Explore Akagera National Park
  • Day 6: Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
  • Day 7: Trek gorillas and Transfer to Mgahinga
  • Day 8: Track golden monkeys and Transfer to Musanze
  • Day 9: Visit Dian Fossey’s grave and hike Karisimbi trail
  • Day 10: Transfer back to Kigali

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Arrive in Kigali

This day you will arrival at Kigali International Airport, depending on your time of arrival, when time allows will take a city tour to Kigali Genocide memorial museum. Will also visit some of the shopping to make your desired shopping for the trip. Then, will have to check-in at your hotel for dinner and overnight.

Mid-range: Hotel Villa Portofino Kigali

Day 2: Transfer to Nyungwe Forest National Park

This morning will start on your relaxed drive following your breakfast to the Nyungwe Forest National Park. Nyungwe is located south of Kigali on border of Rwanda, Burundi and DR Congo. This is a special is home to variety of wild species among which being a primate hub with about 13 primate species recorded at the park. Nyungwe forest retains the best experience of watching chimpanzees in Rwanda. Reaching these hyped tropical mountains will take an afternoon canopy walk on a swinging suspension. This is a world class canopy walk which leaves wanting more of the swings and walks overhead loftier trees. Then will check-in at your lodge for dinner and overnight.

Mid-range: Chimpanzee Lodge

Day 3: Track Chimpanzees and Community visit

Take your served breakfast, will take on a morning chimpanzee tracking session. Chimpanzee tracking at Nyungwe forest leads into the tea leaves contours, thick forests, bamboos, according to the trip kind of chimpanzee group to track. Chimpanzees at Nyungwe are habituated and trackers have a chance for a close-up encounter. The track can last between 30 minutes to about 3 hours searching for apes into the deep of the forest. And finding them, you have a limit of one hour in their presence.

After taking lunch will roll for a shorter forest walks. Can take the; Buhoro trail is a legendary trek through woods the shortest covering 2km. Then return to your lodge for dinner and overnight.

Midrange: Chimpanzee Lodge

Day 4: Transfer to Akagera National Park

This morning will embark on a drive back to Kigali and continue to Akagera National Park. The only savannah park in Rwanda and has a lot to offers. Reaching the park by afternoon hours, will take an afternoon boat ride at Lake Ihema. The wild boat ride brings you close to uncommon wild of Rwanda, through scenic views of golden savannahs, swamps and tropics surrounding the lake, all make a tremendous consideration. You will watch greater wildlife species including crocodiles, hippos, monitor lizards, and many land mammals drawing water on the lake shores. Then check-in at your lodge for dinner and overnight

Midrange Akagera Game Lodge

Day 5: Explore Akagera National Park

Wake-up under the arrays of the unique East African clear sunrise, realize the brightness of sun arrays heating directly on the golden savannah. Then, you will have to enjoy your served tailored breakfast. You’re now ready to embark for a morning nature walks through the savannah, and swampy landscapes of Kagera along the Akagera River. Then, en-route for lunch and take an afternoon boat cruiser on Lake Ihema watching crocodiles, hippos, several water birds like shoebill stork, kingfisher among others. Then will return to your lodge for dinner and overnight

Midrange: Akagera Game Lodge

Day 6: Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Then today will enjoy your served breakfast and warn up for a day long journey from Akagera to Bwindi. Today you’re to cross borders from Rwanda to Uganda, and the drive will take at least 7 hours, upon reaching Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, you’re already exhausted for the day and you need just to check-in at your lodge and relax with dinner and overnight. You will be at Rushaga sector.

Midrange: Four Gorillas Lodge

Day 7: Trek gorillas and Transfer to Mgahinga

This day following your served breakfast, you have to rush to Ruhija trekking starting point reaching here before 7:30am for the briefing. Then trekkers will be grouped in 8 individuals per group assigned to an armed and then roll into impenetrable rolling landscape hiking through the inflatable thick terrain of the forest. Remember to wear long pants, jungle boots, carry at least 1 litter of drinking water and rain proof gears. Trekking may take 30 minutes to 6 hours, walking and searching for the endangered giants. Gorilla are followed considering where they had their previous night, and meeting them, trekkers have an hour before them. Watching gorillas is one of the few mesmerizing moments in the wild, looking face to face with the silverback you realized these are really human closest relatives. After seeing the gorillas you will return to the starting point, enjoy your relaxed lunch.

Then take a drive of about 2 to 3 hours to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and have your overnight at dinner at your lodge there.

Midrange:  Mount Gahinga Safari Lodge

Day 8: Track golden monkeys and Transfer to Musanze

Today you’re to take a unique encounter of the park, will track the beautiful golden monkeys. The golden monkeys are endangered species and endemic to the Virunga forests which stretches to include Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. The track starts in the morning at 8am, and a track can last for not more 4 hours. When rolled into the forest to search for the gorillas, you have a limit of an hour to ensure that explore all about these gorgeous primates. After the track will embark on your drive crossing the Rwanda border to Musanze town. Dinner and overnight at your lodge

Midrange: Garden House

Day 9: Visit Dian Fossey’s grave and hike Karisimbi trail

Today will take the visit to Dian Fossey graves, this morning will learn about gorilla conservation and the role of Dian Fossey on the prevailing future of mountain gorillas. Along the visit to the graves will take the Karisoke hiking trail. The trail is rewarding with a lot of scenic, birds, rolling landscapes and among others. It’s a long day and at the end of it you’re exhausted just need to return to your lodge and relax for dinner and overnight.

Midrange: Garden House

Day 10: Transfer back to Kigali

This morning with a lot of reflections and meditation about the beautiful and amazing moments on your trip. You will enjoy your relaxed morning breakfast and then embark on your drive back to Kigali, and well go to the airport to find your next flight back home.

On behalf of Early Trial Expedition Uganda, our driver guide will say goodbye to you. Then, take your flight back to your home. We believed after this trip you become our next ambassador for Early Trail Expeditions Uganda in your country and area. Thank you!

Trip inclusive;

  • 4×4 safari vehicle
  • All trip fuel
  • All meals and soft drinks
  • All Park entrances
  • Gorilla permits
  • Accommodation
  • Driver guide


  • Visa and air ticket
  • Laundry
  • All hard drinks
  • Souvenirs
  • Tips
  • All international flights

Best of 10 Days Rwanda Wildlife & Uganda Gorilla tours