7 Days Combined Rwanda and Uganda Safari

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7 Days Combined Rwanda and Uganda

7 Days Combined Rwanda and Uganda, Rwanda and Uganda are neighboring countries with a mutual relationship between the two countries. Taking a combined safari through both countries makes you almost tasting on the Africa rich spot of adventure. The trip will take from Kigali goes to Akagera National Park, then take a crossing drive to Mgahinga and Bwindi National Park in Uganda. This trip is available for midrange budgeting travelers who are wishing to skip the hyped gorilla permit of Rwanda. However, here you will need to buy two visa of Uganda and Rwanda.

Trip Summary

  • Day 1: Arrive at Kigali
  • Day 2: Tranfer to Akagera National Park
  • Day 3: Game drive and Boat cruise
  • Day 4: Transfer to Mgahinga National Park Uganda
  • Day 5: Trek Golden monkeys and Batwa people
  • Day 6: Trek Gorillas at Bwindi
  • Day 7: Drive back to Kigali

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: Arrive at Kigali

This first day is your arrival at Kigali International Airport, depending on your time of arrival if time allows will take a Kigali city tour. And supposedly will visit the famous Kigali genocide memorial museum, and a round drive through some areas of Kigali. Then, will return to your hotel for dinner and overnight.

Midrange: Afrika Boutique Hotel

Day 2: Transfer to Akagera National Park

This morning following your served breakfast, will transfer to Akagera National Park eastern of Rwanda along Tanzania border. Akagera National Park is the savannah remnants of Rwanda that exhibit the true African wilderness. With lunch en-route will reach the park in the afternoon hours, then take a game drive and then relax for the next day. A game drive here is very rewarding with an opportunity to watch the big five lousily wandering from here and there. Among the animals to watch include; lions, leopards, elephants, buffalos, Kobs, bushbuck, duikers, rhinos, hippos, zebras among so many others, accompanies by several of bird species. Then will drive to your lodge for dinner and overnight.

Midrange: Akagera Game Lodge

Day 3: Game drive and Boat cruise

Today will take another game drive through the golden savannah of Akagera National Park. The park is backed up with a lot of animals to watch, these include; Burchall’s zebras, giraffes, impalas and topi, bushbucks, eland, African swallows, vervet monkeys, baboons, wart hogs, mongoose, hippos, crocodiles, and even an elephant, and other mammals include oribi, Defassa waterbuck, reedbucks, sable and roan antelopes, buffalos and many more. The most stunning game drive crosses from the south to the northern of Akagera in a day.

Then, en-route for lunch and take an afternoon boat cruiser on Lake Ihema watching crocodiles, hippos, several water birds like shoebill stork, kingfisher among others. Then will return to your lodge for dinner and overnight.

Midrange: Akagera Game Lodge

Day 4: Transfer to Mgahinga National Park Uganda

Today, following your served breakfast, will embark on a very exciting scenic drive northwards of Rwanda and will cross borders to Uganda. The next stopover will be Mgahinga Gorilla National Park southwestern Uganda (Kigezi region). Then, you have to rest for your next day of experiencing nature. Dinner and overnight at your lodge

Midrange: Mount Gahinga Lodge

Day 5: Trek Golden monkeys and Batwa people

Today is a special day to enroll into the jungle, following your energizing breakfast, will hurry to go and track the endangered golden monkeys. The golden monkeys are only endemic to Mgahinga Gorilla National Park in Uganda. The beautiful and nice looking golden monkeys live in communities of over 30 individuals and more. These monkeys are habituated meaning tracker can have that close-up moment. The track in volcanic forests of Mgahinga can last for about 30 minutes to 3 hours and when found the brownish monkeys you have an hour in their presence.

After the track with lunch en-route, will afterwards take a drive to Kisoro and keep sometimes in the Batwa communities around Mgahinga forest. These are special people who have clutched to their primitive way of life. However, gorilla activities of tourism have done a lot to ensure a standardized life of these people. You will enjoy stories, tales, and even visit some of their caves they and hurts where they stay.

Then, will continue to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park through Rushaga gate. Dinner and overnight at your lodge.

Midrange: Rushaga Gorilla Lodge

Day 6: Trek Gorillas at Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

After enjoying your served breakfast, take an early morning drive to the tracking starting point. At 7:30 a briefing is started on the tracking etiquettes, get grouped and assigned to a habituated gorilla family. Then, with a lead of an armed ranger guide will en-roll into the forest for a search of the gorilla. Gorilla trekking meaning a walk through the deep, thick and impenetrable volcanic tropical forest until the giants are found. The trek can last between 30 minutes to about 4 hours to find your trekked family. Then you have an hour to watch the gorillas, infants playing around and wondering about the size of silverback who even sometimes charges before you by beating the chest. After you will return, and refresh

Midrange: Rushaga Gorilla Lodge

Day 7: Drive back to Kigali

Today have a relaxed morning, enjoy the morning breeze and moment of your served breakfast. Then, will board on your journey back to Kigali, and our driver will drive you straight to Kigali International Airport for your next flight back home.

On behalf of Early Trial Expedition Uganda, our driver guide will say goodbye to you. Then, take your flight back to your home. We believed after this trip you become our next ambassador for Early Trail Expeditions Uganda in your country and area. Thank you!

Trip inclusive;

  • 4×4 safari vehicle
  • All trip fuel
  • All meals and soft drinks
  • All Park entrances
  • Gorilla permits
  • Golden monkey permit
  • Batwa cultural tour
  • Boat ride
  • Accommodation
  • Driver guide


  • Visa and air ticket
  • Laundry
  • All hard drinks
  • Souvenirs
  • Tips
  • All international flights

Best of 7 Days Combined Rwanda and Uganda